Motherhood is Bullshit...

I wrote this some 7 months ago, when Noah was just a wee newborn and I was going out of my mind.

Motherhood is bullshit.

I have been betrayed by my sisters. I have been lied to, swindled!

I want my life back. I don't remember signing up for this. I don't remember saying: “Yes, please, take my freedom, my sanity and all sense of reason and replace it with a weepy, hormonal, flabby and exhausted person I don't even know.”

Oh they tell you it'll be hard, it won't all be wine and roses. Yeah, thanks, that's like saying giving birth is a little painful. It's more than hard, it's more than frustrating and it's the most un-fun I've ever experienced in my life.

All you assholes who told me it'd be worth all the hassle after “one smile”, are also full of shit. As charming as my baby's smile is, it certainly doesn't win me over at 3 a.m. - sorry.

The websites geared towards new moms, those too are bullshit. I hate the cutsie terms they use, like LO for Little One and DS for Dear Son and DD (they aren't for titties anymore) for Dear Daughter. For the life of me I couldn't find one single message board topic that complained about the real issues like exhaustion, feelings of helplessness, or regret. Gasp, heaven forbid if after the fifth time you get out of bed to comfort your completely-fine-baby you have feelings of regret over ever becoming a mom. How human of you!


Unknown said...

This took me back to those first couple of months of new motherhood. I know I felt like that too, but I hardly remember it. I hardly remember anything from the first couple of months. I had so many medical problems after birth; with doctor appointments (both mommy & baby), a daily nurse visit (me), sleepless nights and everything else...I just don't remember. I don't even know when half the pictures were taken.

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