Dear Noah - 10 Months

Dear Noah,

Welcome to DOUBLE DIGITS Hammy Hams! You turned 10 months old and I've turned 30 - ack, THIRTY! Well, your Dad turned 40, so that's not so bad in the grander scheme of things, now is it?

Oh my sweet boy, where do I begin? How can I adequately express what a month this has been?

For starters, physically, you're now pulling yourself to a standing position - using my pants, chair legs, or anything within reach. You are so proud of yourself when you do it too. An ear-to-ear grin for your accomplishment.

An even bigger smile smears itself across your face when you stand, pulling yourself up by hanging on to the handle of the walker-contraption we bought you earlier this year and then you WALK! Yes Noah, you walk, wobbly across the dining room, running over shoes, toys, running INTO walls, furniture and anything and everything in your way - since you haven't quite figured out how to turn yet. But my oh my how you get the hang of things so quickly.

Daddy and I have spent the last few days focusing on teaching you to wave and blow kisses. You wave exclusively with your right hand, which is closed but for the thumb and a few fingers that flex and wiggle while you "wave" at yourself. It's truly the most adorable thing I've seen you do this month.

As for blowing kisses, you tend to forget the whole point is to kiss your hand and then direct that kiss to the nearest person. You however prefer to just bang your open palm on your mouth repeatedly making that - "bah, bah, bah." sound. It's far more entertaining.

Everyone still marvels at how happy you are. Yes you are so happy. You chirp and "talk" to yourself constantly while you motor though the house.

Your smiles are for everyone. No one is turned away. I've noticed you're even apt to give courtesy smiles to those people you can JUST tell won't leave you alone until you throw them a bone - and I thank you for that!

Already this summer you've spent a couple of afternoons - all of 15 minutes! - in the little red and yellow pool we bought you. Although you love the water; splashing around, don't think you've quite realized the joy it can bring you.

On that note. Your Daddy and I took you to the Town Beach and put your feet in the waters of Georgian Bay for the first time.

You'd never had sand between your toes and you balked only slightly. You reached your tiny hand and waved at the water a bit, while I held you hand and you leaned back against my legs.

I have a feeling your going to love spending your summers on The Bay.

This past month was the first time daddy I spent more than 24 hours away from you. For three whole days we left you with Auntie Keli while we spent time in Toronto with Papa Tony and Nanny Tammy. I don't know about daddy, but I had separation anxiety the first day. I spent an hour having a pedicure, trying not to cry into my People Magazine. Oh how I missed you!

You've also learned, as recently as today, in fact, how to climb the stairs - with help and guidance from me. It's scary (VERY scary), but amazing to see you climb, climb, climb.

The baby in you is still present - STILL no teeth! - but when I look at you I see so much boy. A little boy with big brown-blue eyes, a huge (gummy) grin, musical laughter and a sing-song voice.

You are my joy, my world Noah...and I can't wait to show you all its wonders.





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