Dear Baby #2

Dear Baby,

Today you're 14 weeks (3.5 months) old inside of me.

I want to write to you periodically because I'm not sure how much writing I'll get to do once you actually get here in six short or long months.

I started writing to your brother when he was just 18 weeks old. I wrote to him almost monthly until he was two. I'm sorry to say little one I can't promise the same, or even close to it, but I think I'll come up with something else; something special just for you.

Last weekend while I was laying on the couch I felt you flutter and squirm and thrash inside me and I. was. so. excited! The best part if that was that your Daddy got to feel you too - and if you every have children some day, you will know how rare it is for a Daddy to feel his baby kick so early!

I marvel at how relaxed I am this time around - how I'm more excited and less scared. I joke that your brother was my guinea pig that we practiced on. Based on how well he's turned out so far, I think your Daddy and I have done a pretty good job.

Now that I've passed the all-out-nausea and exhaustion I'm reveling in my steadily growing belly - knowing it's because you're in there!

I think about you constantly. And I still think you're a girl and please, please, please forgive me if you're not.





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