Dear Noah - 32 Weeks

Dear Noah,

Hey there little monkey boy. You're now 8 months old and a busy little man for someone who can't even walk yet.

You're a real mover and a shaker always on the move on the go; gotta go over here, over there, kick your legs, squirm, jump, roll, bounce, reach, grab. No wonder you sleep nearly 12 solid hours a night (thank you!)...and nap twice a day (YAY!)

Sitting up on the floor has become your favourite activity. It's only in the last few weeks that you've been able to do that for long stretches at a time.

You're not crawling yet, but you pull yourself (Daddy call it your commando crawl) along then roll to your target, which has been my plants or shoes (especially my bright pink Crocs - they seem to be your favourite).

Standing and walking is also high up there on your list of favourites and things you want to do so badly. Because of this, your shoe collection has also expanded to include a wicked pair of orange and red shoes and a pair of orange sandals (you can guess who picked those out!).

I love taking you out to show you off in your stylish outfits that have included Rocca Wear with a matching pair of lime green sunglasses.

When you were just 7-months and 1-week old you said, "Mama", which actually sounded like "Mumum". You were crying for me, calling me and you still won't say it unless you're upset - and I love it!

We don't snuggle hardly at all anymore and it makes me a little sad, but you've started giving kisses (pressing your open mouth against my cheek) - so I guess that sort of makes up for it...okay, not really.

Going for walks has also been a new activity you've begun to enjoy now that the nice weather is here. You're very quiet and still during our walks; taking in everything. Sometimes you "ooh and ahh" at the world around you. Now I understand what parents mean when they said they're reliving their childhood through their children.

Still no teeth yet, but you're drooling up a storm and gnawing on pretty much anything you can put in your mouth.

Happy 8-month birthday Noah, you're changing and growing fast, faster than I thought you would. The joy you've been bringing me has increased a million times over since you were born.

You weren't a difficult baby, but you just being here, a helpless little person was enough to make things scary.

Being a first-time mom wasn't easy in the beginning. Although you may be a dad someday, you won't know exactly the kind of pressure a mom puts on herself.

But now that I've got the hang of this mothering thing, now that you and I interact and you know me and I know you, it's a piece of cake.

Everyone was right when they said it would get easier, that I would love being a mom eventually. It took some time. Took time to get to know each other, to grow, to understand and love one another. But we're here now, sweetie. Me and you and your Daddy, we're a family now. You made us a family. You made us whole. You completed something we didn't know we were missing until you came along.

No matter what happens in your life, no matter what you do, what you say or who you become, my love for you is unconditional. It has no bounds. Remember that always...





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