
I'm watching you right now.
It's 10 o'clock in the evening.
Your eyes are like two beams of light on the grainy black and white screen.
You're trying to stay awake - after Mommy so rudely woke you by pulling your feet from between the rails in your crib - you blink, blink...blink...blink...trying to keep those peepers open so you don't miss anything.
Slowly now your eyes blink, shut for a moment or two, then open again; slowly.
I'm smiling. My heart is smiling; melting.
Your mint green and white knitted blanket is tangled about your (chubby) legs, the other blanket that matches your (outrageously expensive) brown, blue and polka-dotted bedding is shoved against the opposite side of the crib.
Your bum - the one I vow to eat - is in the air now, knees curled to your chest, where I often can feel the rapid (strong) beat of your heart.
You're asleep now my darling one...
I'll see you in the morning my love...


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