Dear Baby #2 - 21 Weeks

Dear Baby #2,

I have taken so long to write to you for the shame...oh the shame of you NOT being a girl like said you were, and hoped you were if only for the cute clothes and for the chance to be

And no, Baby#2 you are NOT a girl. And after my 10 minutes of disappointment - because I was indeed wrong - I was/am over-joyed with the thought of you!

I hesitate even to say that I had a moment of disappointment, for fear that you'll read this years and years later and say, "See, I KNEW IT! You wanted a girl all along!"

But my dear, sweet little boy - it was just for the clothes you see and the chance to decorate a room entirely pink - that's all - lol.

And really, who gives a crap about clothes and colour-schemes? If I so desperately want to paint a room pink, I'll paint the inside of your father's beloved shed pink. lol

Now back to Mommy being over-joyed...I'm over-JOYED knowing that you will have a brother, you will BE brothers! And that's a bond that surpasses that of a brother and sister, I think.

Never-mind that, I know how insanely I love your brother, how could I NOT love you with that same fire...pffft, I can and I already do!

We chat you and I. We have conversations. And I talk about what I hope I can be for you and how I hope that you can teach your brother to share and maybe, be a little gentler.

I tell you I love you all. the. time. I want you to know from the get-go that you are Mommy's shining star. You are just the shiz. Totally.

You're starting to kick more often now - daily - but usually when I'm sitting where I am now - typing away at the computer. Maybe you'll love to write, like me. And read like Daddy and I. Or maybe you'll be a computer genius - or a garbage man, we don't long as it's legal and you love what you do...then go for it.

You're about 11 inches now, from head to toe and weigh 3/4 of a pound...and we're more than half-way there now, baby - and can I just say (once again) how I (we) are SO excited to meet you!

I want to see who you look like - Mommy, Daddy or Noah. Or none of the above, how cool would THAT be?

I want to know YOU! Oh so bad...

Your brother and I talk about you too. And when I mention the baby in mommy's tummy he says, "help, help." Because I've told him that if he wants to, he can help feed you, and dress you, and give you bathes and kisses and hugs...he totally doesn't get it, but I think it will just be PRICELESS when you two finally meet in four months or less.

He also kisses my tummy and says, "Baby kick." Because I told him you were at one point.

I've picked out new bedding for your room and we plan to re-paint it...I was adamant "another boy" or not, you would have your own room - whether it matters to you or not, it mattes to ME.

So, it's the end of October, 2010 now, we'll see you in a little bit more than four months and daddy and I can't wait. Noah would be excited too - if he understood who was coming.


