Dear Noah,
So here's the story - and you'll probably read it and go, "Ew, Mom, really? I didn't NEED to know that!" But hear your mother out.
Your Dad and I have been trying - just for the last month - to give you a baby brother or sister (and you're welcome, for me only going THAT far with that particular topic - at least for now, anyway).
I'm not pregnant yet, but all the leading up to the GETTING pregnant has lead to a multitude of muddled and murky thoughts and feelings.
I've had mixed emotions about another baby. It's not to say that I haven't wanted to give you this and give another little person to your dad and I; to our family. On the contrary, since you slept through the night and I stopped being cra-zy, I've wanted this for all of us.
But the mixed emotions are from my own self doubt about my abilities as a mom, and maybe your feelings about being a big brother.
I worry that you will not want a little brother or sister, that you will resent the fact that Daddy and I can't be at your beck and call as we have been for your whole existence. I worry that you lash out, you will become a little devil in order to get our attention.
Since I don't know what it's like to have a sibling, I worry that bringing another person into your life will change you negatively.
Yet, deep down I KNOW in my heart that you will LOVE your little sibling. Just as you loved your cousin Audrey when she visited. You could. not. get. enough of her. You watched her and touched her and kissed her and were just fascinated with this little person - who, oddly enough to you, was smaller than you. I'm sure there will be a learning curve for us all, but I know in the end, you will love him or her...because you do it so easily.
I know you will get concerned when the baby cries, you will itch to kiss him or her and help Mommy and Daddy with dirty diapers and feeding. And that you will love to show him or her how to do all the things that his or her big brother already knows how to do.
As for you Mister, big words are flying out of your mouth and if you can't say them you try and try and try to sound them out.
Watch is a new word, that sounds a lot like "Wassss" and it's just adorable. You also say, "hi", "GG", and "Nana," "Why (as in Super Why!)", "Mess," and "Busssssssss."1
Your favourite show, Super Why! has come in handy in teaching you to sound out words, "What letter makes the sound buhhhhhh?" and you inevitably repeat, "buhhhhh."
You're also fascinated with watching videos of yourself when you were littler. I can see the little wheels turning behind your big, brown eyes. Knowing, instinctively that it's YOU, but not REALLY understanding how that's even possible.
You are still so smart and happy and wide-eyed with an innocence that I hope you hold on to until you're 20 - just kidding...
Happy 20 months, are mommy's sunshine.